Friday, November 6, 2020


Hi my name is corona the last name is virus but you can call me covid -19 I like that  handle its short and sweet.

 I love the fact that you think your safe from me, you drink at the bars, shop at the malls, party on the beaches without masks,  just having a good old time not a care in the world but let me tell you something im here and I well be here taking you out until they find a cure or a vaccine to stop me, like I said I love my job.

In 1918 I took  out 675,000 of you, good numbers very good numbers you keep doing what your doing I will pass that number real soon ,  don’t listen to Dr Fauci or the CDC they are lying to you, listen to me I’m your true friend.

 I will be there when your in the hospital  on the respirator taking your last breath mom ,dad, son sister brother can’t see you or be there for you but I will be there to help you pass on.

 so  open every thing back up , and please  don’t practice safe distancing help me help you  i love my job i work 24/7 i never take a day off never , you defiant ones are my best customer, yes make my job easy for me I’m lazy don’t were your mask you only live ones,